About The Owner
I have a passion for finding quality home decor items at great prices and passing those fab finds on to our customers. We pick all over the Southeast to bring you unique pieces that are sure to make a statement in your home. I love the “hunt” and the joy of finding treasures that someone else has set aside. This love for picking, I guess, was born out of necessity…As a young couple starting out I wanted a pretty home but I had to get creative and decorate on a budget. I turned to vintage markets and antique stores to find upscale pieces at prices that I could afford. Still today, I rarely shop anywhere other than vintage markets for my own personal decor. I love items with character, I love pairing old and new, I love finding that perfect piece hidden at the very back of a shelf, and I love looking at the pieces I’ve acquired through the years and remembering the story behind them.
My goal with Red Bird Interiors online is to offer a premier vintage booth experience to customers who live outside of our immediate area. My joy comes from knowing I’ve played a small part in helping you make your home look amazing!
Thank you for visiting our site and for your support of our small business.
Happy shopping and happy decorating!
Red Bird Interiors…”So you can afford your taste!”
Why Red Bird?
My mom is the inspiration behind Red Bird Interiors. She loved a pretty home and she passed her love of decorating on to me. When I see a red bird I like to think she is visiting me from heaven and those glimpses will sustain me until I can see her again.
Our Story
Facebook December 18, 2017
My Mom always believed and told me that cardinals, or red birds as she called them sometimes, were visitors from Heaven. Having lost my Dad at an early age, I think she knew that this old tale would provide comfort to me as I was coping with his loss. In the three days leading up to my Mom’s bypass surgery I had a visit each day in my backyard from a cardinal. The day before her surgery, He perched on my back fence and stayed for quite a while. I was a little taken aback as I watched him. The timing and the fact that he was there for three days in a row made me a little uneasy. I found myself wondering about the purpose of his visit. Was he there to say don’t worry, she’s going to be okay...or was he there to say tough times are coming but you have angels in heaven that will help get you through this? As it turned out, it was the latter...and my heart has had to face the reality of what, for some reason, I feared on that day in May.
I spend a lot of time on my back porch and every day since my Mom passed away I have watched for...and prayed for...a red bird to visit. It may sound silly to some but for me, it was just something I needed to help my heart be at peace. I remember telling my Aunt not long after her death...I just need the cardinal...I just need her...to visit.
The Christmas season is hard for those of us who have lost loved ones. There’s a void that can’t be filled and the joy that we see others experiencing and spreading somehow seems to escape us. No matter how hard we try to keep up traditions and be merry, there’s a constant ache from the absence that looms in the background. I’ve thought so many times in the past few days....”if she would just visit”... It’s been 6 months of waiting and, if I’m being honest, I had almost gotten angry that she hadn’t...trying to control again...in my oh-so evident humanly state...the timing of a heavenly encounter. (You can be sure she’s gotten a big kick out of that by the way).
And so this morning as I was sitting on the back porch looking at my phone, I saw a flash of red that caught my eye. And there it was....the most beautiful cardinal flew from the woods and perched on a tree above my fence. I can tell you I haven’t seen a more beautiful sight in quite some time. She finally came....And she came at just the right time...HER time...because she’s my Mom and, as always, she knew this is when I would need her the most.